Unlocking Your Permission to Succeed
Sophie Budd is the founder and director of Taste Budds Cooking Studio. Sophie began her journey with a dream to become a business owner, now she owns a business and works with Adele and groups of up to 90 corporates at once. Find out how Sophie made the leap and kick-started her business dream.
Who Are You To Start a Business?
Any entrepreneur or business owner faces the dreaded “Can I do it?” question. Those who dare to rebel against the pessimistic voice are faced with the heavy task of giving yourself permission to pursue your dream.
For Sophie, the answer was to let go of who she was and focus on who she wanted to be. She could no longer be the shy bullied child. She had to be stronger and put it behind her. Then she had to take action, and take action she did.
Sophie needed a venue to begin her journey, so she made the call that started it all.
Now Sophie works out of an out-of-business butcher shop. She took out a loan, and cleaned it up. It’s now the home of Taste Budds Cooking Studio, and she’s been the ambassador for Food Rescue for 5 years now.
Sophie took a leap of faith in her vision. She kept moving, making decisions and fought for the business she always dreamed of running.
The Power of Small Businesses
When you go into business it doesn’t mean you need to aim to take on the likes of Amazon and Google. Business can be local, and you can be successful as a local business. Leverage what you know, who you know and your unique situation.
Sophie came to Perth from the UK in 2008 and she was amazed by:
- The river and countryside
- Local produce
- The sense of community from the locals
- The opportunity for cafes to thrive
No one sees the world like you do. Use what you know, and your lived experiences to make your mark and create meaningful work wherever you are.
Work-Life Balance
Until recently Sophie lived in a single apartment and spent her entire evening working on her business. Despite her friends telling her that she works too much, and they never see her anymore, Sophie was stuck and going into overload.
“The harder I work, the more respect I get,” Sophie says.
Sophie told herself the same mantra every day to keep herself moving. She hadn’t realised the damage she was causing to her own mental health and friendships. Over time this has become more apparent to her. She got to know more and more successful entrepreneurs and discovered some of which only work as little as 10 – 30 hours per week. The moral of the story was that work isn’t everything, and balance is key to the success of your business.
This is an important message for all entrepreneurs. There is never an off switch, it’s 24-7 all the time. But you need to remember to take some space, gain perspective and give yourself some self-care.
“Don’t get caught up in doing things, rather than achieving things,” Matt says.
Since making this realisation, Sophie has moved into a social household with 3 roommates and is now happier than ever.
Life-Balance Tips That Has Helped Sophie:
- Walking the dog at 6AM
- Reading
- Spending time with friends
- Personal development courses
- Saving Sunday morning for relaxation
Taking time for yourself will clear your mind, and energise you to push forward in your business and make great achievements.
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