How to Lead Your Way to Purpose
Listen to the story of one man’s journey to becoming a leader, dealing with crisis, and ultimately finding purpose for himself and hundreds of other people.
Who is Dave Clare?
Dave Clare is a leadership coach and speaker who specialises in helping people and organisations find their ‘why’. He’s worked across industries, across countries, and has also written a book entitled SIMPLIFIED: Leadership is Simple. You Lead People.
He’s also a self-described ‘Prophet for Purpose’ and a father of three.
My favourite piece of this conversation with Dave is the story about finding purpose through extreme hardship. As an entrepreneur, or as business owner, or just anyone who is out there standing up for what they believe in, you will be challenged. And when that happens, you’ve basically got two choices: give in, or fight through it. Listen in to Dave’s story or read on to find out how Dave handled himself!
The Path to Leadership
Dave Clare started his career on a traditional path, working in the finance and banking industry in his home country of Canada. Raised amongst a family that valued safety and security, this is what was expected of him.
But as it turns out, this wasn’t what he was meant to do. Though he spent over a decade in the banking sector, Dave always cherished a dream of becoming a leader. After 13 years, he finally got a chance to take a stab at it. The company he worked for operated a bank in Papua New Guinea, and they needed someone to step up and “take the staff from the 60’s to the 90’s”.
Dave raised his hand, took the flight, and despite being told it was “impossible to teach these people anything,” he found a way to connect with every staff member and make the new methods stick.
That was it – he was hooked on leadership. He sold his family home to start an international coaching business. This started a gruelling chapter of his life – but one that taught him how to find true purpose.
A Crisis Moment, Used to Find Purpose
At first, Dave’s leadership coaching enterprise struggled. Selling leadership wasn’t easy, and eventually, things came to a near-breaking point.
“There I was, sitting on the floor of the bedroom my two kids shared. It was the middle of the night and they were both asleep. I thought to myself… Ok, I’ve got enough money to cover rent and bills for the next month – and that’s it.”
It had been months since he started his business, and he hadn’t sold a single leadership package yet. He had started to doubt himself.
“Then I thought, ‘What have I done to my family?’ I have to find a steady job, I have to give up coaching.
Should he go back to the values of safety and security around which he was raised? Or should he press on?
“But then – what am I teaching my kids if I give up?” Dave thought. “I can’t quit! I need to ask more of myself! I need to change the way I’m doing things! This month is my time to make a change.”
This was a crisis point. A valley. The low of lows. But Dave didn’t give up, he used that challenge to find purpose.
He built a new sales system based on staying relaxed while selling. He started making sales. And in just 12 months, he became the sales leader for all of Canada. But better than all of that – he had solidified his purpose: to lead people!
Dave’s Leadership Tips
Now Dave is a successful leadership coach in Western Australia. As a bonus to podcast listeners, he has shared some of his best leadership tips.
Always Focus on Why You Do Business
- Focus on WHY your business is needed, and then think of how you can satisfy that need in the present and the future.
- Purpose motivates people.
- Purpose drives business.
Never Focus on How you Do Business
- Don’t focus on HOW you do what you do – you’ve got to focus on WHY you do what you do, and be flexible with how you do it.
- All business models have an end date. Keep yours flexible.
- “In 5 years, is your business model going to be viable? If not, you need to start taking a look now at what you can do to become the business that will be viable.”
Care about Your Employees
- Help your employees fulfil their goals, and they’ll help you get whatever the heck you want.
- Never treat your employees like resources.
- Never put profit first.
What is Your Purpose?
So what gets you out of bed in the morning? Have you defined it? Has it been challenged? Let me know in the comments.
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Show Notes
- Who is Dave Clare – [0:00]
- Starting a Business on a Dream – [5:45]
- Learning Leadership in Papua New Guinea – [11:30]
- Back Into the Trenches: A Return to Purpose – [21:30]
- How Dave Turns People and Businesses Around – [25:09]
- The Biggest Learning Experience of His Life – [36:00]
- What Dave Listens To – [53:00]
- Matt’s Favourite Books – [55:00]
- Dave’s Favourite Books – [56:00]
- Apps on Dave’s Phone – [58:00]
- One Thing You Can do to Amplify Your Business – [60:00]
Mentioned in the episode
- Apprentice and Traineeship Company
- Seth Godin
- Lovemarks (Book)
- Think Bold, Be Bold (Podcast)
- Zippo Lighter App (App)